Grace & Mercy Outreach Ministries
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About Apostles Keith & Myrtle Johnson:

Apostles Keith & Myrtle Johnson are the Founding Apostles/Apostolic Leaders of a emerging Apostolic and Prophetic Community of believers that operate in the Five Fold Ministry capacity according to Ephesians 4:11, "and He gave some, apostles, some prophets and some evangelist and some pastors and teachers," who are dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, the proclamation of the Gospel Truth, the establishment of the Kingdom of God in heart of the people, the equipping of believers for their Supernatural Ministry, and the mobilization of the Church to be an Apostolic, Prophetic and Redemptive Voice to this generation and beyond. 

Their passion is to make sure that the people of God are not just having a church experience, but a God-relationship experience with a ministry that is “Transforming Lives and Reaching Souls for the Kingdom of God.  Signs and wonders follow their ministry as the power of God is made manifest."

Apostles  Keith & Myrtle Johnson has been in ministry together since 1999.  They are graduates of Liberty University in Lynchburg ,VA with a double Masters degree in Christian Counseling and Biblical Studies.  Also, they are undergraduates of Trinity Seminary in Birmingham, Alabama with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Education.  Grace & Mercy Outreach Ministry was set up, founded and established in 2004. This is an apostolic teaching ministry whose primary target is to equip the saints of God to walk into the fullness of God by living according to the Word of God as it is written. Under the teaching you will be equipped not only to live in the Kingdom of God but to also work in the Kingdom of God as you learn to walk in victory in every area of your life. They have a burning passion and desire to see God's people walking in victory and to be delivered from whatever it is that is holding them hostage (bound) within themselves.  In May 2013, Apostle Myrtle Johnson received her Doctorates degree in Christian Education from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.  

God has so graciously given them both an apostolic and prophetic anointing which equips them to cover other governing bodies and churches to do the work of the Kingdom.
They are church planters who have the administrative gifts to help to set up and establish other church bodies.

  • 501(c) preparations
  • Ordinations and Licensing for those whom God has called to ministry.
  • Set up Grace & Mercy Bible Institute.
  • Kingdom Advance Network Apostolic Council - K.A.N., which oversees and network with churches to build the body of Christ while teaching and imparting apostolic grace to do the work of the Lord Jesus.
  • School of Prophets, equips the body to walk in the place that they are called to while strengthening their gifts.
  • Conference hosts, workshop facilitators and national intercessors.
  • Mentorship training for Daughters of the King, which young ladies are taught how to be strong women of God who operate in their divine purpose.
  • Train and equip all of the 5-fold offices:  apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelist.
  • Discipleship classes
  • M.I.T. Program - Ministers In Training
  • 6am Moment of Intercession, Monday - Friday 218-862-3466, x123123#
  • Monthly Deliverance Conference Call, 218-862-3466, x123123# (1st Monday Night at 8:00pm)EST
  • Audio Church - Bible Study weekly & Monthly Women's Ministry on line

Interested in learning more?
Vision of Grace and Mercy Outreach Ministries - Kingdom Advance Network Apostolic Council (K.A.N):

To see the people of God to walk in victory in every area of their lives.  Healed, delivered and set free that they can come to the fullness of God, while equipping them not only in hearing of the Word, but training them to walk in the mandated call that God has on their lives.  Purpose in life can never be attained nor understood one truly discovers who they are in Jesus Christ.